Source code for mork.virtualenv

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-

import base64
import contextlib
import hashlib
import importlib
import json
import os
import re
import site
import sys

from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
from sysconfig import get_paths

import pkg_resources
import six

from cached_property import cached_property

import distlib.scripts
import distlib.wheel
import vistir

[docs]class VirtualEnv(object): def __init__(self, prefix=None, base_working_set=None, is_venv=True): pkgresources = self.safe_import("pkg_resources") sys_module = self.safe_import("sys") own_dist = pkgresources.get_distribution(pkgresources.Requirement("mork")) _working_set = pkgresources.WorkingSet(sys_module.path) if base_working_set is None: base_working_set = _working_set self.own_dist = own_dist self.base_working_set = base_working_set self.is_venv = is_venv self.system_python = sys.executable self.real_prefix = getattr(sys, "real_prefix", sys.prefix) self._modules = {'pkg_resources': pkgresources, 'mork': own_dist} self.extra_dists = [] prefix = prefix if prefix else sys_module.prefix self.prefix = vistir.compat.Path(prefix) super(VirtualEnv, self).__init__()
[docs] @classmethod def from_project_path(cls, path): """Utility for finding a virtualenv location based on a project path""" path = vistir.compat.Path(path) if == 'Pipfile': pipfile_path = path path = path.parent else: pipfile_path = path / 'Pipfile' pipfile_location = cls.normalize_path(pipfile_path) venv_path = path / '.venv' if venv_path.exists(): if not venv_path.is_dir(): possible_path = vistir.compat.Path(venv_path.read_text().strip()) if possible_path.exists(): return cls(possible_path.as_posix()) else: if venv_path.joinpath('lib').exists(): return cls(venv_path.as_posix()) sanitized = re.sub(r'[ $`!*@"\\\r\n\t]', "_",[0:42] hash_ = hashlib.sha256(pipfile_location.encode()).digest()[:6] encoded_hash = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hash_).decode() hash_fragment = encoded_hash[:8] venv_name = "{0}-{1}".format(sanitized, hash_fragment) return cls(cls.get_workon_home().joinpath(venv_name).as_posix())
[docs] @classmethod def normalize_path(cls, path): if not path: return if isinstance(path, six.string_types): path = vistir.compat.Path(path) if not path.is_absolute(): try: path = path.resolve() except OSError: path = path.absolute() path = vistir.path.unicode_path("{0}".format(path)) if != "nt": return path drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(path) # Only match (lower cased) local drives (e.g. 'c:'), not UNC mounts. if drive.islower() and len(drive) == 2 and drive[1] == ":": path = "{}{}".format(drive.upper(), tail) return vistir.path.unicode_path(path)
[docs] @classmethod def get_workon_home(cls): workon_home = os.environ.get("WORKON_HOME") if not workon_home: if == "nt": workon_home = "~/.virtualenvs" else: workon_home = os.path.join( os.environ.get("XDG_DATA_HOME", "~/.local/share"), "virtualenvs" ) return vistir.compat.Path(os.path.expandvars(workon_home)).expanduser()
[docs] @classmethod def filter_sources(cls, requirement, sources): if not sources or not requirement.index: return sources filtered_sources = [ source for source in sources if source.get("name") == requirement.index ] return filtered_sources or sources
[docs] def safe_import(self, name): """Helper utility for reimporting previously imported modules while inside the venv""" module = None if name not in self._modules: self._modules[name] = importlib.import_module(name) module = self._modules[name] if not module: dist = next(iter( dist for dist in self.base_working_set if dist.project_name == name ), None) if dist: dist.activate() module = importlib.import_module(name) if name in sys.modules: try: six.moves.reload_module(module) six.moves.reload_module(sys.modules[name]) except TypeError: del sys.modules[name] sys.modules[name] = self._modules[name] return module
[docs] @classmethod def get_sys_path(cls, python_path): """Get the :data:`sys.path` data for a given python executable. :param str python_path: Path to a specific python executable. :return: The system path information for that python runtime. :rtype: list """ command = [python_path, "-c", "import json, sys; print(json.dumps(sys.path))"] c =, return_object=True, block=True, nospin=True) assert c.returncode == 0, "failed loading virtualenv path" sys_path = json.loads(c.out.strip()) return sys_path
[docs] @classmethod def resolve_dist(cls, dist, working_set): """Given a local distribution and a working set, returns all dependencies from the set. :param dist: A single distribution to find the dependencies of :type dist: :class:`pkg_resources.Distribution` :param working_set: A working set to search for all packages :type working_set: :class:`pkg_resources.WorkingSet` :return: A set of distributions which the package depends on, including the package :rtype: set(:class:`pkg_resources.Distribution`) """ deps = set() deps.add(dist) try: reqs = dist.requires() except AttributeError: return deps for req in reqs: dist = working_set.find(req) deps |= cls.resolve_dist(dist, working_set) return deps
[docs] def add_dist(self, dist_name): pkg_resources = self.safe_import("pkg_resources") dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(pkg_resources.Requirement(dist_name)) extras = self.resolve_dist(dist, self.base_working_set) if extras: self.extra_dists.extend(extras)
@property def pyversion(self): include_dir = self.prefix / "include" python_path = next(iter(list(include_dir.iterdir())), None) if python_path and"python"): python_version ="python", "") py_version_short, abiflags = python_version[:3], python_version[3:] return {"py_version_short": py_version_short, "abiflags": abiflags} return {} @cached_property def base_paths(self): """ Returns the context appropriate paths for the environment. :return: A dictionary of environment specific paths to be used for installation operations :rtype: dict .. note:: The implementation of this is borrowed from a combination of pip and virtualenv and is likely to change at some point in the future. >>> from pipenv.core import project >>> from pipenv.environment import Environment >>> env = Environment(prefix=project.virtualenv_location, is_venv=True, sources=project.sources) >>> import pprint >>> pprint.pprint(env.base_paths) {'PATH': '/home/hawk/.virtualenvs/pipenv-MfOPs1lW/bin::/bin:/usr/bin', 'PYTHONPATH': '/home/hawk/.virtualenvs/pipenv-MfOPs1lW/lib/python3.7/site-packages', 'data': '/home/hawk/.virtualenvs/pipenv-MfOPs1lW', 'include': '/home/hawk/.pyenv/versions/3.7.1/include/python3.7m', 'libdir': '/home/hawk/.virtualenvs/pipenv-MfOPs1lW/lib/python3.7/site-packages', 'platinclude': '/home/hawk/.pyenv/versions/3.7.1/include/python3.7m', 'platlib': '/home/hawk/.virtualenvs/pipenv-MfOPs1lW/lib/python3.7/site-packages', 'platstdlib': '/home/hawk/.virtualenvs/pipenv-MfOPs1lW/lib/python3.7', 'prefix': '/home/hawk/.virtualenvs/pipenv-MfOPs1lW', 'purelib': '/home/hawk/.virtualenvs/pipenv-MfOPs1lW/lib/python3.7/site-packages', 'scripts': '/home/hawk/.virtualenvs/pipenv-MfOPs1lW/bin', 'stdlib': '/home/hawk/.pyenv/versions/3.7.1/lib/python3.7'} """ prefix = self.prefix.as_posix() install_scheme = 'nt' if ( == 'nt') else 'posix_prefix' paths = get_paths(install_scheme, vars={ 'base': prefix, 'platbase': prefix, }) paths["PATH"] = paths["scripts"] + os.pathsep + os.defpath if "prefix" not in paths: paths["prefix"] = prefix purelib = get_python_lib(plat_specific=0, prefix=prefix) platlib = get_python_lib(plat_specific=1, prefix=prefix) if purelib == platlib: lib_dirs = purelib else: lib_dirs = purelib + os.pathsep + platlib paths["libdir"] = purelib paths["purelib"] = purelib paths["platlib"] = platlib paths['PYTHONPATH'] = lib_dirs paths["libdirs"] = lib_dirs return paths @cached_property def script_basedir(self): """Path to the environment scripts dir""" script_dir = self.base_paths["scripts"] return script_dir @property def python(self): """Path to the environment python""" py = vistir.compat.Path(self.base_paths["scripts"]).joinpath("python").as_posix() if not py: return vistir.compat.Path(sys.executable).as_posix() return py @cached_property def sys_path(self): """The system path inside the environment :return: The :data:`sys.path` from the environment :rtype: list """ current_executable = vistir.compat.Path(sys.executable).as_posix() if not self.python or self.python == current_executable: return sys.path elif any([sys.prefix == self.prefix, not self.is_venv]): return sys.path cmd_args = [self.python, "-c", "import json, sys; print(json.dumps(sys.path))"] path, _ =, return_object=False, nospin=True, block=True, combine_stderr=False) path = json.loads(path.strip()) return path @cached_property def system_paths(self): paths = {} paths = get_paths() return paths @cached_property def sys_prefix(self): """The prefix run inside the context of the environment :return: The python prefix inside the environment :rtype: :data:`sys.prefix` """ command = [self.python, "-c" "import sys; print(sys.prefix)"] c =, return_object=True, block=True, nospin=True) sys_prefix = vistir.compat.Path(vistir.misc.to_text(c.out).strip()).as_posix() return sys_prefix @cached_property def paths(self): paths = {} with vistir.contextmanagers.temp_environ(), vistir.contextmanagers.temp_path(): os.environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = vistir.compat.fs_str("utf-8") os.environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = vistir.compat.fs_str("1") paths = self.base_paths os.environ["PATH"] = paths["PATH"] os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = paths["PYTHONPATH"] if "headers" not in paths: paths["headers"] = paths["include"] return paths @property def libdir(self): purelib = self.paths.get("purelib", None) if purelib and os.path.exists(purelib): return "purelib", purelib return "platlib", self.paths["platlib"]
[docs] def find_egg(self, egg_dist): site_packages = get_python_lib() search_filename = "{0}.egg-link".format(egg_dist.project_name) try: user_site = site.getusersitepackages() except AttributeError: user_site = site.USER_SITE search_locations = [site_packages, user_site] for site_directory in search_locations: egg = os.path.join(site_directory, search_filename) if os.path.isfile(egg): return egg
[docs] def locate_dist(self, dist): location = self.find_egg(dist) if not location: return dist.location
[docs] def dist_is_in_project(self, dist): from .project import _normalized prefix = _normalized(self.base_paths["prefix"]) location = self.locate_dist(dist) if not location: return False return _normalized(location).startswith(prefix)
[docs] def get_installed_packages(self): workingset = self.get_working_set() packages = [pkg for pkg in workingset if self.dist_is_in_project(pkg)] return packages
[docs] def get_finder(self): from .vendor.pip_shims import Command, cmdoptions, index_group, PackageFinder from .environments import PIPENV_CACHE_DIR index_urls = [source.get("url") for source in self.sources] class PipCommand(Command): name = "PipCommand" pip_command = PipCommand() index_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group( index_group, pip_command.parser ) cmd_opts = pip_command.cmd_opts pip_command.parser.insert_option_group(0, index_opts) pip_command.parser.insert_option_group(0, cmd_opts) pip_args = self._modules["pipenv"].utils.prepare_pip_source_args(self.sources, []) pip_options, _ = pip_command.parser.parse_args(pip_args) pip_options.cache_dir = PIPENV_CACHE_DIR pip_options.pre = self.pipfile.get("pre", False) with pip_command._build_session(pip_options) as session: finder = PackageFinder( find_links=pip_options.find_links, index_urls=index_urls, allow_all_prereleases=pip_options.pre, trusted_hosts=pip_options.trusted_hosts, process_dependency_links=pip_options.process_dependency_links, session=session ) yield finder
[docs] def get_package_info(self): dependency_links = [] packages = self.get_installed_packages() # This code is borrowed from pip's current implementation for dist in packages: if dist.has_metadata('dependency_links.txt'): dependency_links.extend(dist.get_metadata_lines('dependency_links.txt')) with self.get_finder() as finder: finder.add_dependency_links(dependency_links) for dist in packages: typ = 'unknown' all_candidates = finder.find_all_candidates(dist.key) if not finder.pip_options.pre: # Remove prereleases all_candidates = [ candidate for candidate in all_candidates if not candidate.version.is_prerelease ] if not all_candidates: continue best_candidate = max(all_candidates, key=finder._candidate_sort_key) remote_version = best_candidate.version if best_candidate.location.is_wheel: typ = 'wheel' else: typ = 'sdist' # This is dirty but makes the rest of the code much cleaner dist.latest_version = remote_version dist.latest_filetype = typ yield dist
[docs] def get_outdated_packages(self): return [ pkg for pkg in self.get_package_info() if pkg.latest_version._version > pkg.parsed_version._version ]
@property def scripts_dir(self): return self.base_paths["scripts"] @cached_property def initial_working_set(self): system_path = self.get_sys_path(self.system_python) working_set = self._modules["pkg_resources"].WorkingSet(system_path) return working_set
[docs] def get_distributions(self): """Retrives the distributions installed on the library path of the virtualenv :return: A set of distributions found on the library path :rtype: iterator """ return self._modules["pkg_resources"].find_distributions( self.paths["PYTHONPATH"], only=True )
[docs] def get_working_set(self): """Retrieve the working set of installed packages for the virtualenv. :return: The working set for the virtualenv :rtype: :class:`pkg_resources.WorkingSet` """ working_set = self._modules["pkg_resources"].WorkingSet(self.sys_path) return working_set
@cached_property def python_version(self): with self.activated(): sysconfig = self.safe_import("sysconfig") py_version = sysconfig.get_python_version() return py_version
[docs] def get_setup_install_args(self, pkgname, setup_py, develop=False): """Get install args for installing the supplied package in the virtualenv :param str pkgname: The name of the package to install :param str setup_py: The path to the setup file of the package :param bool develop: Whether the package is in development mode :return: The installation arguments to pass to the interpreter when installing :rtype: list """ headers = self.base_paths["headers"] headers = headers / "python{0}".format(self.python_version) / pkgname install_arg = "install" if not develop else "develop" return [ self.python, "-u", "-c", SETUPTOOLS_SHIM % setup_py, install_arg, "--single-version-externally-managed", "--install-headers={0}".format(self.base_paths["headers"]), "--install-purelib={0}".format(self.base_paths["purelib"]), "--install-platlib={0}".format(self.base_paths["platlib"]), "--install-scripts={0}".format(self.base_paths["scripts"]), "--install-data={0}".format(self.base_paths["data"]), ]
[docs] def setuptools_install(self, chdir_to, pkg_name, setup_py_path=None, editable=False): """Install an sdist or an editable package into the virtualenv :param str chdir_to: The location to change to :param str setup_py_path: The path to the, if applicable defaults to None :param bool editable: Whether the package is editable, defaults to False """ install_options = ["--prefix={0}".format(self.prefix.as_posix()),] with c = self.get_setup_install_args(pkg_name, setup_py_path, develop=editable) + install_options, cwd=chdir_to ) return c.returncode
[docs] def install(self, req, editable=False, sources=[]): """Install a package into the virtualenv :param req: A requirement to install :type req: :class:`requirementslib.models.requirement.Requirement` :param bool editable: Whether the requirement is editable, defaults to False :param list sources: A list of pip sources to consult, defaults to [] :return: A return code, 0 if successful :rtype: int """ try: packagebuilder = self.safe_import("packagebuilder") except ImportError: packagebuilder = None with self.activated(include_extras=False): if not packagebuilder: return 2 ireq = req.as_ireq() sources = self.filter_sources(req, sources) cache_dir = os.environ.get('PASSA_CACHE_DIR', os.environ.get( 'PIPENV_CACHE_DIR', vistir.path.create_tracked_tempdir(prefix="passabuild") ) ) built =, sources, cache_dir) if isinstance(built, distlib.wheel.Wheel): maker = distlib.scripts.ScriptMaker(None, None) built.install(self.paths, maker) else: path = vistir.compat.Path(built.path) cd_path = path.parent setup_py = cd_path.joinpath("") return self.setuptools_install( cd_path.as_posix(),, setup_py.as_posix(), editable=req.editable ) return 0
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def activated(self, include_extras=True, extra_dists=[]): """A context manager which activates the virtualenv. :param list extra_dists: Paths added to the context after the virtualenv is activated. This context manager sets the following environment variables: * `PYTHONUSERBASE` * `VIRTUAL_ENV` * `PYTHONIOENCODING` * `PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE` In addition, it activates the virtualenv inline by calling ``. """ original_path = sys.path original_prefix = sys.prefix original_user_base = os.environ.get("PYTHONUSERBASE", None) original_venv = os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV", None) parent_path = vistir.compat.Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent.as_posix() prefix = self.prefix.as_posix() with vistir.contextmanagers.temp_environ(), vistir.contextmanagers.temp_path(): os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join([ vistir.compat.fs_str(self.scripts_dir), vistir.compat.fs_str(self.prefix.as_posix()), os.environ.get("PATH", "") ]) os.environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = vistir.compat.fs_str("utf-8") os.environ["PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"] = vistir.compat.fs_str("1") os.environ["PATH"] = self.base_paths["PATH"] os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = self.base_paths["PYTHONPATH"] if self.is_venv: os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = vistir.compat.fs_str(prefix) sys.path = self.sys_path sys.prefix = self.sys_prefix site.addsitedir(self.base_paths["purelib"]) if include_extras: site.addsitedir(parent_path) extra_dists = list(self.extra_dists) + extra_dists for extra_dist in extra_dists: if extra_dist not in self.get_working_set(): extra_dist.activate(self.sys_path) sys.modules["recursive_monkey_patch"] = self.recursive_monkey_patch try: yield finally: del os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] if original_user_base: os.environ["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = original_user_base if original_venv: os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = original_venv sys.path = original_path sys.prefix = original_prefix six.moves.reload_module(pkg_resources)
[docs] def run(self, cmd, cwd=os.curdir): """Run a command with :class:`~subprocess.Popen` in the context of the virtualenv :param cmd: A command to run in the virtual environment :type cmd: str or list :param str cwd: The working directory in which to execute the command, defaults to :data:`os.curdir` :return: A finished command object :rtype: :class:`~subprocess.Popen` """ c = None with self.activated(): script = vistir.cmdparse.Script.parse(cmd) c =, return_object=True, nospin=True, cwd=cwd) return c
[docs] def run_py(self, cmd, cwd=os.curdir): """Run a python command in the virtualenv context. :param cmd: A command to run in the virtual environment - runs with `python -c` :type cmd: str or list :param str cwd: The working directory in which to execute the command, defaults to :data:`os.curdir` :return: A finished command object :rtype: :class:`~subprocess.Popen` """ c = None if isinstance(cmd, six.string_types): script = vistir.cmdparse.Script.parse("{0} -c {1}".format(self.python, cmd)) else: script = vistir.cmdparse.Script.parse([self.python, "-c"] + list(cmd)) with self.activated(): c =, return_object=True, nospin=True, cwd=cwd) return c
[docs] def is_installed(self, pkgname): """Given a package name, returns whether it is installed in the virtual environment :param str pkgname: The name of a package :return: Whether the supplied package is installed in the environment :rtype: bool """ return any(d for d in self.get_distributions() if d.project_name == pkgname)
[docs] def get_monkeypatched_pathset(self): """Returns a monkeypatched `UninstallPathset` for using to uninstall packages from the virtualenv :return: A patched `UninstallPathset` which enables uninstallation of venv packages :rtype: :class:`pip._internal.req.req_uninstall.UninstallPathset` """ from pip_shims.shims import InstallRequirement # Determine the path to the uninstall module name based on the install module name uninstall_path = InstallRequirement.__module__.replace( "req_install", "req_uninstall" ) req_uninstall = self.safe_import(uninstall_path) self.recursive_monkey_patch.monkey_patch( PatchedUninstaller, req_uninstall.UninstallPathSet ) return req_uninstall.UninstallPathSet
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def uninstall(self, pkgname, *args, **kwargs): """A context manager which allows uninstallation of packages from the virtualenv :param str pkgname: The name of a package to uninstall >>> venv = VirtualEnv("/path/to/venv/root") >>> with venv.uninstall("pytz", auto_confirm=True, verbose=False) as uninstaller: cleaned = uninstaller.paths >>> if cleaned: print("uninstalled packages: %s" % cleaned) """ auto_confirm = kwargs.pop("auto_confirm", True) verbose = kwargs.pop("verbose", False) with self.activated(): pathset_base = self.get_monkeypatched_pathset() dist = next( iter(filter(lambda d: d.project_name == pkgname, self.get_working_set())), None ) pathset = pathset_base.from_dist(dist) if pathset is not None: pathset.remove(auto_confirm=auto_confirm, verbose=verbose) try: yield pathset except Exception as e: if pathset is not None: pathset.rollback() else: if pathset is not None: pathset.commit() if pathset is None: return
SETUPTOOLS_SHIM = ( "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__=%r;" "f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);" "'\\r\\n', '\\n');" "f.close();" "exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" )
[docs]class PatchedUninstaller(object): def _permitted(self, path): return True